I have dedicated my life to helping others who struggle with the same problems. This has been the most rewarding thing for me.
When I got into recovery they told me to pray. I never had a god and really couldn’t understand what to pray to? I moved back with my parents and on their horse ranch, I attempted to just pray to these white horses that were in a valley across the vineyards. Every time I would pray they would come…I made these horses my higher power. They started to come less and less but I found it within me to start to pray without them. I had a premonition one night that my cat would disappear and that I would never see her again. Strangely,
I ended up seeing the movie, “Premonition” that night, got home and she had vanished. (Truly gifted with intuition I might say!!) I was devastated and in awe that I had been given a message that she would be gone and had a movie to explain what this might mean. The next day, I cried and cried asking my higher power to please bring my kitty back proclaiming I would do anything to have her back. I went outside and there were those white horses, back where they would be when I needed them the most. I knew at this moment there was something more powerful than me and this was a message that I was going to be okay whether I got her back or not.
Connect with Daniella Park for more info.