Alex Zemeckis
Alex Zemeckis, left, and Cannon Kristofferson opened The Grounds transitional recovery home on Mount Soledad in May. The program provides constant support to men 18-30 recovering from addiction with a curriculum based on learning life skills and personal responsibility.
As a young teenager growing up in Santa Barbara, Alex Zemeckis found himself in a pattern: skipping school to surf and skateboard, and — more destructively — regularly getting drunk and high.
It is for this reason that Zemeckis, now 27, founded The Grounds, a transitional recovery program for young men between the ages of 18 and 30. Unlike a typical sober-living environment, The Grounds, which opened in May, is focused on a curriculum of personal mentoring and discipline, providing an environment designed to help members acquire life skills and self esteem.
Read more: San Diego Community News Group – Transitional home on Mount Soledad focuses on young adult recovery
Connect with Alex Zemeckis for more info.