Eric Johnston is a Certified Professional Coach
Over 20 years of business experience holding a variety of roles in different industries. Eric is currently President of The Light Fund, a nonprofit foundation (awaiting final federal approval for 501(c)(3) status) whose mission is to provide resources and financial assistance to individuals that are seeking help for addiction.
Eric has made it his mission in life to help individuals navigate through life after spending time in treatment, or after continuous efforts of trying to “straighten up”, but not being able to sustain it. His personal experience and philosophy of addressing deep-rooted issues are at the core of learning to walk through life with confidence, resilience and purpose. Confronting these issues that drive our belief systems and behaviors are what led Eric to be drawn toward helping individuals who are fighting complex challenges that prevent them from really thriving and experiencing the joy that so many others have found. Eric puts his clients first…period!
Connect with Eric Johnston for more info.